Digital Divide 1

March 7, 2022

There is a diagram. The background is light blue. There is a large purple circle in the middle titled ‘Digital divide: the role of: Identity.’ The font is bold and black, and all the circles on the diagram are surrounded by a thin black circle to help accentuate their positions. Extending from the center purple circle there are five medium sized orange circles. Extending upwards from the center of the purple circle there is a medium sized orange circle labeled ‘Equity seeking identities barriers to service use.’ Extending from this circle to its upper left there is a smaller mint green circle with four bullet points ‘Race,’ ‘Gender,’ and ‘Culture.’ To the right of the large purple circle there is another orange circle, ‘Positions of privilege facilitate service use.’ There is a smaller mint green circle that attaches to its right. This smaller mint green circle has four bullet points: ‘Access to technology,’ ‘Race,’ Education’ and ‘Family.’ Extending from the bottom right of the center purple circle is another medium orange circle labeled ‘Gender harmful stereotypes. Attached to its lower right is a smaller mint green circle that states ‘Boys/Men face more stigma when accessing services. Another orange circle extending from the lower left of the center circle is a medium orange circle labeled ‘Gender Safety.’ Attached is a mint green circle that extends to the left and is labeled ‘Struggles finding services that don’t follow a binary.’ The final orange circle that is positioned center-left to the large purple circle is labeled ‘Having representation makes a safe space.’ There is one mint green circle extending from this that is labeled ‘Counsellor who is of same gender and/or identity.’

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