Rachelle Hole Appointed Tier 1 Research Chair at UBC Okanagan!

October 3, 2022
Rachelle Hole Appointed Tier 1 Research Chair at UBC Okanagan!

We would like to extend our congratulations to CREST.BD network member Dr. Rachelle Hole for her recent appointment as Tier 1 Research Chair Holder for Critical Disability Studies in the Faculty of Health and Social Development Retention Stream at UBC Okanagan.

Rachelle was an invaluable resource to our team when creating modules on deaf communities and disabled populations within the Tapestry Tool Project. Her work has pushed health research forward toward the inclusion of diverse individuals and communities. We cannot wait to see what she will accomplish in her new position!


In 2019, Dr. Hole was awarded UBCO Health Researcher of the Year in recognition of her research contributions toward the support for youth living with developmental disabilities and autism.

Congratulations Rachelle, for your well-deserved recognition!

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