Smartphone apps can be used to help support health and wellbeing for people who live with bipolar disorder. However, there are over 10,000 publicly available mental health apps. Both people living with bipolar disorder and healthcare providers may find it challenging to identify and select safe, effective, and engaging mental health apps.
With the support of Michael Smith Health Research BC, the CREST.BD team created a brief video to help people choose the app that is right for them. We’d like your help in evaluating it!
About the study
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of a brief educational video describing strategies to review and choose mental health apps. When you complete the survey, you can enter a draw to win a $100 CAD/$80 USD gift card.
Can I participate?
We are inviting both people living with bipolar disorder and healthcare providers to evaluate this video.
If you are an individual living with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, you may participate in this study if you are over 19 years of age and have regular access to a smartphone (a mobile device capable of running apps).
If you are a healthcare provider, you may participate in this study if you are over 19 years of age and have experience of providing care to people with bipolar disorder.
How to participate
The study is now open! You will be asked to watch a brief (4.5 minute) video and complete two questionnaires. You will also be invited to complete a brief (<1 minute) questionnaire two weeks later. Click on a link below if you would like more information or to join the study:
Participate in the Survey
Help us evaluate an educational video for mental health apps! When you complete the study, you can enter a draw to win a $80USD/$100CAD gift card.
I’m a person living with bipolar disorder who would like to participate.
Fill Out Survey
I’m a health care provider who would like to participate.
Fill Out Survey
Is the survey for people with BP open? It says its not. Thank you