Lesley Berk, PhD

Network Member

Lesley Berk


PhD, School of Medicine, Deakin University

Academic appointment

Alfred Deakin Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Deakin University


Dr. Berk has worked extensively in the area of bipolar disorder as a psychologist and a researcher. She is passionate about research that involves active collaboration with people who live with bipolar disorder and those in their support networks. She has contributed to journal articles, book chapters, and books on psychosocial topics such as the treatment alliance, adherence to treatment, psychoeducation, diagnosis, and psychosocial interventions. She has developed guidelines for caregivers of people with bipolar disorder, which have been translated into booklets in Portugal and Brazil, and form the basis of a website for caregivers (www.bipolarcaregivers.org).

What I do when I'm not working

I love to cook beautiful meals and gather friends and family around my dinner table to eat and relax together (it helps that my husband does the dishes).




Geelong Clinical School, Barwon Health Teaching, Training and Research Facility
C/- PO Box 281, Geelong 3220, Australia