Adrienne Benediktsson, PhD

Network Member

Adrienne Benediktsson


BS, Iowa State University
PhD, University of Iowa

Academic appointment

Associate Professor, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Neuroscientist, Mother, Wife, Professor, Mental Health Advocate, Lived Experience.

I received my PhD. in Neuroscience in 2007. I completed postdoctoral work at the University of Pennsylvania, Tufts’ University, and the Hotchkiss Brain Institute at the University of Calgary. I am now an Associate Professor in the Biology department at Mount Royal University in Calgary. My research focus has been understanding the structure and function of a type of brain cell called an astrocyte using various forms of microscopy.

Part way through my graduate training I had a major manic episode while attending a conference. Soon after that, I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder (Type 1). During my neuroscience training I encountered research that investigated many other brain disorders, including epilepsy, schizophrenia, depression, Alzheimer’s, and a variety of others; bipolar disorder was never mentioned, not once. My curiosity about the biology underlying bipolar disorder has helped me frame the episodes that I’ve experienced throughout the almost 20 years of living with bipolar disorder. My drive to understand the neuroscience of bipolar disorder continues to this day.

Since returning to Calgary I’ve worked hard to build community support for people with bipolar disorder and similar illnesses, by becoming involved in peer support, and serving on committees working to improve patient-experience both in hospital wards, and for women and families during peri-Partum episodes.

I’m hoping to contribute to the understanding of bipolar in two ways. I’m currently working on contextualizing my lived-experience within the larger societal context using autoethnography. I’m also writing a memoir that integrates my lived-experience with bipolar and the neuroscience behind it. I hope that sharing my story along with my scientific knowledge, will help reduce stigma and encourage acceptance of bipolar as a brain disorder. I’m also in the process of building a social media resource aimed at helping people with lived-experience, and their loved ones, learn about some of the current scientific research working to understand the biology behind bipolar disorder.

What I do when I'm not working

My partner and our two amazing kiddos, as well as an impractically large menagerie of animals, like to escape to the beauty of the Rocky Mountains. I’ve also recently started nurturing my creativity with water colour and drawing classes for the completely intimidated.

Social media/website
