Bryn Manns


Bryn Manns


B.A & Sc in Cognitive Science, McGill University, Montreal Canada

Academic appointment

Graduate Student, Clinical Psychology PhD program in the Positive Emotion & Psychopathology (PEP) Lab at University of Colorado Boulder


Bryn is a former employee at CREST.BD who executed data collection and contributed to content development for the PolarUs study. Bryn is also a 2nd-year graduate student in Clinical Psychology at the University of Colorado Boulder. She currently researches emotional regulation processes and emotional experiences in bipolar and unipolar mood disorders. She is especially interested in investigating how emotion regulation unfolds in naturalistic settings and how interoceptive processes may influence emotion regulation abilities.

Bryn has received several scholarships and awards for her academic and scholarly work, including the CIHR CGSM to support her master’s degree. In the future, Bryn hopes to develop actionable interventions for populations living with bipolar and major depressive disorders.

What I do when I'm not working

In my spare time I like to dance, hike, take photos, and read.

Social media/website

Lab Website: