Thank you for joining our AMA!
We had so many incredible questions! To read the questions and answers, visit!
We’re hosting our THIRD annual “Ask me Anything” on Reddit in honour of World Bipolar Day! The AMA is an opportunity to ask our team of bipolar disorder experts your question about bipolar disorder.
Date: March 30, 2021
Time: Starting 10:00AM Pacific, 1:00PM Eastern (continues for 48 hours!)
Link: (Check for precise link closer to the date!)
The AMA will be hosted on Reddit’s r/IAmA – a platform for question-and-answer interviews, with previous interviewees including Barack Obama, Dr. Jane Goodall, and Bill Gates. Our diverse team of experts will respond to your bipolar AMA questions from our /u/CREST_BD Reddit account.

Our Bipolar Disorder Experts
Our team includes bipolar disorder researchers from across the globe, and people with lived experience of bipolar disorder (including people that both are researchers and live with bipolar disorder).
Alessandra Torresani
Actress, Mental Health Advocate
About Alessandra / The EmotionAL Support Podcast / @alessandratorresani
I’m an actress and mental health advocate. I’ve appeared on the Big Bang Theory, American Horror Story, and Caprica! I’m also an ambassador for the National Alliance on Mental Health, and I host the EmotionAL Support podcast, where I talk with guests about mental health to break through stigma!

Andrea Paquette
Co-Founder and President, Stigma-Free Society
About Andrea / @bipolar__babe
I am the Co-Founder and President of the Stigma-Free Society. I have been sharing more personal story across North America for 10+ years and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2005. I am also known as the Bipolar Babe in the mental health community!

Benjamin Goldstein, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Professor of Psychiatry / @bengoldstein73
I’m a child and adolescent psychiatrist and professor at the University of Toronto, and Director of the Centre for Youth Bipolar Disorder at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. My research efforts focus on teenagers with, or at familial risk for, bipolar disorder.

Catriona Hippman, MSc, CGC
Genetic Counselor, Clinical Assistant Professor / @catriona_hippma
I’m a research fellow in reproductive and infant psychiatry at BC Children’s Hospital and a certified genetic counsellor who specializes in mental health. My work focuses on promoting perinatal and family mental health.

Chris Gorman, MD
I’m a psychiatrist with a special interest in Bipolar Disorders, and Clinical Professor at UBC Dept. Of Psychiatry, Vancouver, BC. My current work is with the Vancouver General Hospital Psychiatry Outpatient Service and as a Community Advisor for CREST.BD.

David Miklowitz, PhD
Psychiatrist, Professor of Psychiatry
David Miklowitz Ph.D. is Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry at the UCLA Semel Institute in Los Angeles, CA. His work focuses on psychosocial interventions for youth and young adult with bipolar disorder, and illness management techniques.

Don Kattler
Mental Health Advocate, Lived Experience
Don Kattler has worked as the Substance Use Recovery Worker for Island Health’s Mental Health and Substance Use Intensive Case Management Team in Port Hardy on northern Vancouver Island, and is active in the mental health community as a volunteer. Don lives well with bipolar disorder and works to support those living with mental health conditions.

Emma Morton, PhD
Psychologist, Postdoctoral Fellow in Psychiatry / @morton_emm
I’m an Institute of Mental Health Marshall Fellow at UBC Psychiatry. My research has focused on improving the understanding and treatment of of quality of life in serious mental health conditions, self-management strategies, and digital mental health tools.

Eric Youngstrom, PhD
Psychologist, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience
I’m the cofounder and executive director of Helping Give Away Psychological Science (, and Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at UNC Chapel Hill. My work focuses on improving assessment, for better detection and better outcomes with bipolar disorder.

Erin Michalak, PhD
CREST.BD founder, Professor of Psychiatry / @erin_michalak
I’m the founder and Network Lead of CREST.BD, and Professor at UBC Psychiatry. My work focuses on enhancing quality of life and reducing stigma for people living with bipolar disorder.

Georgina Hosang, PhD
Research Psychologist
I am a senior lecturer (associate professor) at Queen Mary University of London, UK. I investigate the social factors that impact on the development and course of bipolar disorder. I also teach undergraduate and master students on topics concerned with bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses.

Greg Murray, PhD
Co-director of CREST.BD, Psychologist, Professor of Psychological Sciences / @profrnb
I’m the Director of the Centre for Mental Health at Swinburne University in Melbourne, Australia. My work focuses on better understanding and managing bipolar disorder by paying attention to psychology, behaviour and biology.

Ivan Torres, PhD
Psychologist, Clinical Professor
I’m a clinical neuropsychologist and clinical professor at UBC. My work involves the study of cognitive difficulties in bipolar disorder and other psychiatric illnesses, and the impact of these difficulties on daily functioning.

Jill Murphy, PhD
Research Associate, Executive Director of the APEC Digital Hub for Mental Health
I’m a Research Associate in the Dept. of Psychiatry at UBC and am the Executive Director of the APEC Digital Hub for Mental Health. I mostly work in global mental health and my research explores how to promote equitable access to e-mental health and community-based mental health mental health care worldwide.

Josh Wooley, MD, PhD
Psychiatrist / BAND Lab / @thebandlab
I am a psychiatrist who studies psychedelics as novel therapeutics for multiple conditions including bipolar disorder. I am also the director of the translational psychedelic research program at UCSF.

Kaj Korvela
Mental Health Advocate, Lived Experience
I am the Executive Director of the Organization for Bipolar Affective Disorders ( My work focuses on peer support and advocacy. I have the Lived Experience of Bipolar Disorder. I love art, music, champagne, and cats.

Lakshmi Yatham, MBBS, FRCPC, MRCPsych
Researcher, Psychiatrist, Professor of Psychiatry
I am a Professor and the Head of the Department of Psychiatry at UBC. My research focus is to understand the biology and develop new and safe treatments for bipolar disorder.

Lisa O’Donnell, PhD, MSW
Cognitive Therapist, Social Worker
I’m an Assistant Professor at Wayne State University and a practicing Clinical Social Worker. My research focuses on enhancing employment outcomes for individuals living with bipolar disorder. I’m also the proud owner of Charlie, the Frenchie.

Natasha Reaney, MEd
Artist, Lived Experience
I live well with bipolar and I have a hard time not talking about it. I work full-time in mental health and substance use, specifically in crisis prevention and resiliency building. My background is in educational psychology and I’ve done a lot of public speaking to help reduce the stigma associated with bipolar.

Nigila Ravichandran, MBBS, MMed
Psychiatrist / Institute of Mental Health (Singapore)
I am a Consultant and Adjunct Assistant Professor in Psychiatry from Singapore, and Vice-President of Club2Care. My areas of work involve clinical management, academic teaching and strengthening community awareness of conditions including Bipolar Disorder.

Patrick Boruett
Founder, Bipolar Heroes Kenya
About Patrick
I am a pharmacist, mental health advocate, founder of Bipolar Heroes Kenya and work as a government official responsible for Preventive and Promotive Health in Kenya. I believe in enabling those living with mental health conditions to lead meaningful lives and realize their aspirations despite their diagnosis. I also do advocacy for People Living With Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in Kenya.I share my lived experience with Bipolar Disorder to bring about change and inspire others as a living proof.

Sagar Parikh, MD, FRCPC
Psychiatrist, Professor of Depression and Clinical Neuroscience
Hi! I’m Sagar Parikh, a Canadian psychiatrist now working in the US. I specialize in integrating treatments—advanced medications, TMS, ECT, psychotherapy, and apps/ webtools in the treatment of mood disorders.

Serge Beaulieu, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Researcher, Psychiatrist
About Serge
I am the Medical Chief of the Bipolar Disorders Clinic at the Douglas Mental Health Institute in Montréal and Vice-President of Revivre (now Relief: I am delighted to participate in the World Bipolar Day AMA in whichever language you prefer (English or French).

Steven Barnes, PhD
Co-director of CREST.BD, Senior Instructor, Artist, Lived Experience / @sj_barnes /
I’m the Network Deputy at CREST.BD, and Senior Instructor and Associate Head of Undergraduate Affairs in the Department of Psychology at UBC. My research interests include psychological disorders, new media, and artist-scientist collaborations. I live well with bipolar disorder.

Thomas Richardson, PhD
Clinical Psychologist, Lived Experience
About Tom / @DrTomRichardson
I’m a Clinical Psychologist working in a community mental health team for adults with Solent NHS Trust in Portsmouth, UK. I’m also a visiting academic at the School of Psychology, University of Southampton, UK. I’ve published several papers about psychological approaches to Bipolar Disorder and have lived experience of Bipolar Disorder.

Trisha Chakrabarty, PhD
Psychiatrist, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
I’m an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at University of British Columbia. My research and clinical interests are in cognitive functioning, virtual reality cognitive retraining, bipolar disorder, and psychotherapy approaches for mood disorders.

Victoria Maxwell
Mental Health Educator, Performing Artist, Lived Experience / / @victoria_BPP
I’m an award-winning keynote speaker and performing artist who lives well with BD. By telling my story of mental illness and recovery, I’ve worked to create lasting changes in individuals and organizations.
We’ll continue to announce new interviewees over the next two weeks! Check back for more!
Previous AMA Events
We had an incredible response to last year’s AMA! The thread saw over 1,000 comments from people with all sorts of questions about bipolar disorder. We’ve taken some of the highlights from the day and published then in a blog post here.
Erin and Steven hosted our first bipolar AMA on March 29th, 2019, and the response was overwhelming! Like with last year, we published some of the highlights in a blog post here. We also hosted live Twitter Q&As on all things bipolar on Bell Let’s Talk Day 2019 and 2020 – you can read those questions and answers here.
World Bipolar Day
The vision of World Bipolar Day (WBD) is to bring world awareness to bipolar disorders and to eliminate social stigma. Celebrated every year on March 30th, this international awareness event is an initiative of the International Bipolar Foundation (IBPF) in conjunction with the Asian Network of Bipolar Disorder (ANBD) and the International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD).
Check out the events taking place in conjunction with this year’s World Bipolar Day at