March 30th: Ask Us Anything on World Bipolar Day!

Event Date: March 30, 2022
March 30th: Ask Us Anything on World Bipolar Day!

The AMA is LIVE! Join us for the next 48 hours to have your question answered by our bipolar disorder experts!

Join the AMA!

We’re hosting our 4th annual “Ask me Anything” on Reddit for World Bipolar Day! At the AMA, we bring together a panel of experts to answer your questions about bipolar disorder.

Date: March 30, 2022
Time: Starting 10:00AM Pacific, 1:00PM Eastern (continues for 48 hours!)
Link: (Check for precise link closer to the date!)

The event on the list of upcoming AMAs from the r/iama subreddit. On the left it displays the subreddit name, r/iama, and details about its users (approximately 20.9 million subscribers, with 9.7 thousand online at the time of capturing the image). Below this is a list of upcoming AMAs, with a big red circle around the one for the World Bipolar Disorder AMA. On the right side, the words 'ask me anything' are inscribed in a white font against a periwinkle background.

We’ll host the AMA on r/IAmA on Reddit! It’s a platform for question and answer events, where anyone with a Reddit account can ask a question. They’ve hosted lots of different interviewees in the past, including Barack Obama, Dr. Jane Goodall, and Bill Gates. Our diverse team will reply to your bipolar disorder questions from our /u/CREST_BD Reddit account.

Collage of the headshots of all panelists in the AMA.

Our Bipolar Disorder Experts

This year our team includes over 40 bipolar disorder researchers and people who live with bipolar disorder from 9 countries! This includes people who are researchers or clinicians and live with bipolar disorder.

Alessandra is standing indoors in front of a white door. Alessandra is Caucasian and has long platinum blonde hair set in waves. She is wearing a green sweater, and is holding an AMA proof sign.

Alessandra Torresani

Actress, Mental Health Advocate
About Alessandra / The EmotionAL Support Podcast / @alessandratorresani
I’m an actress and mental health advocate. I’ve appeared on the Big Bang Theory, American Horror Story, and Caprica! I’m also an ambassador for the National Alliance on Mental Health, and I host the EmotionAL Support podcast, where I talk with guests about mental health to break through stigma!

Annemiek is sitting indoors in an office. The her left is her desk with her computer and glasses The is a window behind her which appears to look out to another building. Annemiek is Caucasian and has long brown hair. She is wearing a zip-up jacket with vibrant blue, red, and white flowers, and is holding an AMA proof sign.

Annemiek Dols, MD, PhD

Psychiatrist and Senior Researcher
About Annemiek
Annemiek Dols is a psychiatrist working in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She does research on aging in bipolar disorder with a focus on cognitive and physical health. Next to that, she has set up several psychotherapies trials in older age bipolar disorder, as she believes that empowerment is most important. She is co-Chair of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Older Adult Bipolar Disorder Task Force, and helps to lead a global study combining data on late-life bipolar disorder from studies across the world.

Andrea is in a room with beige tiles and pale yellow walls. She is a white woman with red hair wearing a red and white striped long sleeve shirt. In her hands she is holding the AMA sign.

Andrea Paquette

Co-Founder and President, Stigma-Free Society
About Andrea / @bipolar__babe
Andrea Paquette is the President and Co-Founder of the Stigma-Free Society and also known as the Bipolar Babe. Andrea is passionate about educating all youth about mental health. She focuses her discussions on stigma that negatively affect people’s perceptions of themselves and others. Andrea presents throughout multiple venues across the country. She is an award-winning mental health activist, educator, facilitator, speaker, and published author.

A headshot of Ben standing indoors in an office. There is a bookcase on the right-hand side and two framed photographs on the left-hand side. One is of a city and one is of a road. He is Caucasian and wears rectangular black-framed glasses, a lanyard and a striped blue-and-white dress shirt.

Benjamin Goldstein, MD, PhD, FRCPC

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Professor of Psychiatry / @bengoldstein73
I’m a child and adolescent psychiatrist and professor at the University of Toronto, and Director of the Centre for Youth Bipolar Disorder at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. My research efforts focus on teenagers with, or at familial risk for, bipolar disorder.-

Chris Gorman, MD

I’m a psychiatrist with a special interest in Bipolar Disorders, and Clinical Professor at UBC Dept. Of Psychiatry, Vancouver, BC. My current work is with the Vancouver General Hospital Psychiatry Outpatient Service and as a Community Advisor for CREST.BD.

Don Kattler

Mental Health Advocate, Lived Experience
Don Kattler has worked as the Substance Use Recovery Worker for Island Health’s Mental Health and Substance Use Intensive Case Management Team in Port Hardy on northern Vancouver Island, and is active in the mental health community as a volunteer. Don lives well with bipolar disorder and works to support those living with mental health conditions.

A headshot of Emma against standing outdoors in front of a forest. She is Caucasian and has shoulder-length wavy red hair.

Emma Morton, PhD

Psychologist, Postdoctoral Fellow in Psychiatry / @morton_emm
I’m an Institute of Mental Health Marshall Fellow at UBC Psychiatry. My research has focused on improving the understanding and treatment of of quality of life in serious mental health conditions, self-management strategies, and digital mental health tools.

Erin outdoors with two cedar trees in the background. She is Caucasian and has curly dark brown hair. On the left of the photo is her horse, Vale, who is a glossy black colour. Erin is wearing a black shirt with a dark red vest. She is smiling warmly and holding a sign proving she will be involved in the bipolar ama, with her name and the AMA date and time on it.

Erin Michalak, PhD

CREST.BD founder, Professor of Psychiatry / @erin_michalak
I’m the founder and Network Lead of CREST.BD, and Professor at UBC Psychiatry. My work focuses on enhancing quality of life and reducing stigma for people living with bipolar disorder.

Fabiano is standing indoors in front of a self-portrait of Vincent Van Gough. He has olive-toned skin and has black hair and a close-shaved black beard. He is wearing a brown dress shirt and is holding an AMA proof sign.

Fabiano Gomes, MD, PhD

Academic Psychiatrist
About Fabiano
I am an academic psychiatrist with a special interest in bipolar disorder. I am an assistant professor at Queen’s University, Canada, where I work with people living with mood disorders to promote their stability and quality of life.

Background is a white wall and white tiles. Glorianna is wearing a blue shirt with white birds and is sitting on a white couch. In her lap is a cute little dog. in her left hand she is holding the AMA poster.

Glorianna Jagfeld (she/her/hers), PhD Student

PhD Candidate, Spectrum Centre for Mental Health Research
About Glorianna / @glorisonne
I’m in my final year of my PhD at the Spectrum Centre for Mental Health Research at Lancaster University in the UK. I’ve published the first conceptual framework for personal recovery in bipolar disorder, POETIC. Now I’m applying it to a large dataset of public Reddit posts by people with a self-reported bipolar diagnosis that I collected to see what they can tell us about the experience of personal recovery in bipolar disorder.

Georgina is standing in front of a red brick wall. She has long dark curly hair and is wearing a long sleeve blue shirt. In her hands, she is holding the AMA sign.

Georgina Hosang, PhD

Research Psychologist
I am a senior lecturer (associate professor) at Queen Mary University of London, UK. There, I investigate the social factors that impact on the development and course of bipolar disorder. I also teach undergraduate and master students on topics concerned with bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses.

Greg is standing infront of a desktop monitor with the AMA sign on it. He is wearing a black suit jacket and a light blue collared shirt. He is bald and has round brown glasses on.

Greg Murray, PhD

Co-director of CREST.BD, Psychologist, Professor of Psychological Sciences / @profrnb
Professor Greg Murray conducts research into mood disorders, circadian rhythms, and personality. He is ranked in the top 1% of researchers worldwide in each of these fields, and is recognised as a world expert in bipolar disorder (

Ivan is in front of a stone wall. He has short brown hair, a salt and pepper beard and is Caucasian. He is wearing square brown glasses and white T-Shirt under a blue sweater. He is holding to his left the AMA sign.

Ivan Torres, PhD

Psychologist, Clinical Professor
I’m a clinical neuropsychologist and clinical professor at UBC Psychiatry, and an investigator within BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services. My work involves the study of cognitive functioning in bipolar disorder and psychosis and its impact on daily functioning

Ives Cavalcante Passos, MD, PhD

About Ives / Instagram
I am the psychiatrist in chief of the bipolar disorder outpatient clinic in the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. My work focuses on the study of the longitudinal course of the disease and the use of new technologies to provide better care to patients with bipolar disorder.

Jorge is sitting in front of a wall filled with bookshelves. He has white hair and a salt and pepper beard. He is wearing wire framed glasses with a black piece. In front of him is a tablet with the AMA banner on it.

Jorge Cabrera, MD

President, Chilean Society of Bipolar Disorders
Jorge Cabrera, MD, Psychoanalist, is Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Chile Santiago, President of Chilean Society of Bipolar Disorders, (SOCHITAB), the Chilean Chapter of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders, (ISBD). He is editor of the website and founder of the Chilean Depression and Bipolar Support Group Circulo Polar (

Kamyar is sitting in a room with white walls sitting on a red chair. He is bald with a salt and pepper beard. He is wearing a colourful, patterened, red and purple collared shirt. In his hands, he is holding an iPad with the AMA sign on it's screen.

Kamyar Keramatian, MD, MSc, FRCPC

Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, UBC

About Kamyar /
I am an adolescent and adult psychiatrist and a clinical assistant professor in the department of psychiatry at the University of British Columbia. My research is focused on early interventions in bipolar disorder.

Keri is a room with cream walls and a light brown woode frames window with matching curtains. She is wearing a horiztonal striped blue and red T-Shirt and a grey cardigan. She is Caucasian and has shoulder length light brown hair. In her hands is a tablet displaying the AMA poster.

Keri Guelke

Outreach Worker & Mental Health Advocate, Lived Experience
I am the mother of 9 year old twin identical boys. I had children later in life because of the disruption of bipolar disorder. I have had 5 bipolar episodes including 3 hospitalizations. I have taken part in many studies. I recently presented with Catriona Hippman on Bipolar and Pregnancy with CRESTBD. It has been 15 years since my last episode. I worked as an outreach worker for 11 years for Vancouver Coastal Health and recently completed a Master of Public Policy and Administration: Social Change Leadership. I am currently working on a project to train peer advocates across BC to support mothers and families who are at risk of government intervention.

Lisa is standing outdoors in what looks like a yard. There is green grass behind her, as well as a couple of flowering trees. Lisa is Caucasian and has shoulder-length, lightly coloured hair. She is wearing a red, tan and black geometrically patterned dress shirt and is holding a proof sign printed in black and white.

Lisa Eyler, PhD

Clinical Research Psychologist, Professor of Psychiatry
About Lisa
Lisa Eyler, PhD is a Professor of Psychiatry at UC San Diego and the Director of the Mental Health and Aging Unit of the Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center at the VA San Diego Healthcare System. She does research on the aging process in bipolar disorder using methods such as brain imaging, cognitive testing, mobile surveys, activity watches, and blood draws to look at immune-related compounds. She is co-Chair of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Older Adult Bipolar Disorder Task Force, and helps to lead a global study combining data on late-life bipolar disorder from studies across the world.

Lisa is in a hallway with a white door behind her. She is wearing a cow print long sleeve shirt and has long brown hair. She is smiling and holding the AMA sign to her right side.

Lisa O’Donnell, PhD, MSW

Cognitive Therapist, Social Worker
Lisa O’Donnell is an assistant professor and her work focuses on improving work outcomes for individuals living with bipolar disorder.

Louise Dwerryhouse

MSW, Lived Experience / My Bipolar Story
I am a regular blog writer for CREST.BD, currently living well with bipolar disorder. I like to use my 30 years’ experience to help the newly diagnosed in their journey to wellness. I am writing a young adult novel in my spare time.

Luke is in a room with cream brick walls. He is a white man with round glasses, wearing a grey T-shirt and dark green hoodie. His hair is short and brunette. He is holding the AMA sign.

Luke Clark, PhD

Director, UBC Centre for Gambling Research
I’m the director of the Centre for Gambling Research at UBC and a Professor in the Department of Psychology. I’m interested in decision making, financial behaviours, and behavioural addictions as they might be relevant to people with bipolar disorder.

Madelaine is taking a selfie. She is Caucasian and has her red hair pulled back. She is wearing a silver chain with one white pearl, and a blue sweater. In her left hand she is holding the AMA sign.

Madelaine Gierc, MPD, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow, UBC
Dr. Gierc is a postdoctoral fellow in the Population Physical Lab at UBC, and works in health psychology in Vancouver. Her research looks at the connection between exercise, health, and psychology; and strategies to promote physical activity in people with depression. She is currently training for her first 10K, and is learning how to play the cello.

Manuel is in an office with a red abstract painting behind him. He is bald and Caucasian. He is wearing a dark blue suit, with a white button up and salmon pink tie. He is smiling and holding the AMA poster with both hands.

Manuel Sanchez de Carmona 

Professor, Anahuac University Mexico City
Manuel is a Professor of Clinical Psychiatry,  at the Anahuac University Mexico City and founder of the International Society of Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) Mexican Chapter. He is past president of the ISBD and has over 25 years of clinical experience in the treatment of mood disorders.

Mollie Pleet, PsyD

I’m a psychologist with expertise in psychedelic assisted therapies. As part of my advocacy for including underserved populations in psychedelic research, I conducted a study exploring the risks and benefits that occur when adults with bipolar disorder use psilocybin mushrooms.

Natasha is taking a selfie. She has dark black hair, which is in a bun on the top of her head. In front of her is the AMA sign.

Natasha Reaney, MEd

Counsellor, Lived Experience
I have bipolar disorder and I live a full and rich life. I work full-time as a mental health and addictions counsellor/case manager with my local health authority. I am very passionate and outspoken about my experiences with bipolar and my love of chocolate.

Nigila is standing in front of a lake with a water fountain in it. She is wearing a light blue patterned shirt with red and blue cuffs. She has shoulder-length black hair and is holding the AMA sign with both hands.

Nigila Ravichandran, MBBS, MMed

Senior Psychiatrist in Singapore / Institute of Mental Health (Singapore)
She is primarily a clinician caring for her patients with mental health conditions, particularly attending to patients presenting in crisis to the emergency department of a psychiatry hospital. In addition, she is an academician and is an Adjunct Assistant Professor teaching younger generations of medical staff on psychiatric management. She is also passionate about taking mental wellness into the community and speaks frequently on broadcasting media like radio, television, webinars, in public forums, in regional and international conferences and believes that adequate information and education on mental health awareness will take mental health into further depths in the society.

Paula is standing indoors holding a proof sign. There is a houseplant behind her. She has olive-toned skin and long, dark hair pulled back in a pony tail.

Paula Villela Nunes, PhD

Psychiatrist & Researcher
I’m Psychiatrist, researcher and Professor of Psychiatry at USP – Brazil. My work focuses on old age psychiatry and care partners of people living with bipolar disorder.

Raymond is sitting indoors on a wooden bench. There is a picture of kids in the snow behind him. He is Caucasian and has a big white beard. He is wearing a white t-shirt and holding an AMA proof sign.

Raymond Tremblay

Poet, Former Social Worker Lived Experience
I’m a young 78 year old who experienced hypomania episode and mania, a regular blog writer for CREST.BD, a published writer and poet. Thanks to prescribed medication and support of loved ones, I manage to live well with my underlying BD and made many community presentations about my life story.

Rebekah Huber, PhD

Clinical Psychologist
About Rebekah / @rebekahhuberphd
I’m a a licensed psychologist and a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Utah School of Medicine. My research aims to identify risk factors for suicide with a specific focus on youth with bipolar disorder.

Rob Tarzwell, MD

Psychiatrist, MD / @1MinMedSchool / @Rob_Tarzwell
I’m a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia. My main research interest is the use of brain imaging for treating and diagnosing psychiatric disorders. I also create and run the One Minute Medical School YouTube channel.

Ruth is in a room with a sign for the Singapor Association for Mental Health Oasis Day Centre and grey walls. She is wearing a grey button up shirt and has short black curly hair. She is holding the AMA sign in her hands.Ruth Komathi

Senior Case Worker, Lived Experience 
I am a trained counsellor and work as a case worker with Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH) Oasis Day Centre , a psychiatric rehabilitation day centre, in Singapore . I live with Bipolar Disorder will be happy to share my personal experiences.


Sagar Parikh, MD

Medical Director, National Network of Depression Centres

About Sagar /
Dr. Parikh is the medical director of the National Network of Depression Centres and a professor of psychiatry at the University of Michigan. His research interests lie in clinical treatments for mood disorders, health services research, genetics, epidemiology and educational research.

Sarah H. Sperry, PhD

Clinical Psychologist & Researcher
About Sarah / @DrSarahSperry
I am an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Michigan where I serve as a primary investigator with the Heinz C. Prechter Bipolar Research Program. My research and clinical work focuses on understanding and developing targeted interventions for emotion dysregulation, sleep disturbances, and co-occurring alcohol and substance use in individuals with bipolar disorder.

Serge is standing to the left of a black filing cabinet. He is wearing a blue and white dotted button up shirt with a black suit jacket. He has white hair and rectangular glasses. On the filing cabinet is a laptop displaying the AMA poster and a sign that reads "nothing is really lost, until your mom can't find it."

Serge Beaulieu, MD, PhD, FRCPC

Researcher, Psychiatrist
About Serge
I am the Medical Chief of the Bipolar Disorders Clinic at the Douglas Mental Health Institute in Montréal and Vice-President of Revivre (now Relief: I am delighted to participate in the World Bipolar Day AMA in whichever language you prefer (English or French).

A headshot of Sheri Johnson standing indoors in a a home or office. There is a framed photographs behind her, possibly of a bridge or sky. She is Caucasian and wears dark teal oval glasses, a purple shirt and a puffed vest. She has wavy chin-length dark hair.

Sheri Johnson, PhD

Clinical Psychologist, Professor
Sheri L. Johnson, Ph.D. is a Distinguished Professor of Psychology and the Director of the CAL Mania (CALM) Program at the University of California Berkeley. She has conducted research on goal-setting, emotion and impulsivity in bipolar disorder for 20 years, and is happy to answer questions.

Steven Barnes, PhD

Co-director of CREST.BD, Senior Instructor, Artist, Lived Experience / @sj_barnes /
I’m the deputy network lead for CREST.BD, Associate Professor of Teaching in UBC Psychology, and 3M National Teaching Fellow. I like teaching, research, painting, drawing, and developing novel technologies for learning and knowledge translation. I’m happy to answer questions about my experiences living with bipolar disorder!

Steve is standing outside of a red brick house with a white framed glass door. He is wearing a black shirt and hold a World Bipolar Day AMA sign.

Steve Jones, PhD

Co-Director of Spectrum Centre, Professor, Lancaster University
About Steve / #TalkBD with Steve /
I am Co-Director of the Spectrum Centre at Lancaster University and Professor of Clinical Psychology. My research focus is on development and evaluation of new psychological interventions developed in partnership with people with lived experience of bipolar to address their priorities in living well. My research takes a life span approach from children at risk to older adults.

Tmasyn is in an office with a monitor and computer on a white desk. She is a white woman wearing a white high collared shirt with sheer white sleeves. She has blonde, long hair and square brown glasses. In her left hand she is holding the AMA poster.

Tamsyn van Rheenen, PhD

Head, Mood-Psychosis Sprectrum Research Group, Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre
About Tamsyn
Dr. Tamsyn Van Rheenen is an NHMRC Research Fellow and Head of the Mood-Psychosis Spectrum Research Group at the Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre, University of Melbourne. Her research focuses on understanding the brain and behaviour in severe mental illness, with a focus on bipolar disorder. Tamsyn’s work has been influential in the characterization of a neuropsychological profile for bipolar disorder, and she hopes that it will inform the development of treatments aimed specifically at cognitive symptoms.

Background is a yellow wall and white door. Tera is wearing a grey sleeveless shirt and smiling. In their left hand they hold the AMA post.

Tera Armel

Mental Health Advocate, Lived Experience
Tera Armel is a fifth year Life Sciences student at Queen’s University. Mental illness has impacted her life since she was a young child, but a mental health crisis in Grade 12 changed everything. She has since become a dedicated mental health advocate and feels that sharing her experiences provides her with a greater understanding of her own journey.

Thomas is standing in front of a beige walling holding up the AMA proof sign. He is Caucasian, with short, close-cropped brown hair and a slight beard. He is wearing a pale blue dress shirt and black-framed, rectangular glasses.

Thomas Richardson, PhD

Clinical Psychologist, Lived Experience / @DrTomRichardson
I’m a Clinical Psychologist and Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology at the School of Psychology, University of Southampton UK. I lead teaching about psychological therapies for Bipolar disorder. My research focuses on the psychological mechanisms of Bipolar disorder and how psychological therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can help. I have also researched the impact of financial difficulties on mental health and causes of impulsive spending in Bipolar disorder. I have personal lived experience of Bipolar disorder.

Trisha is in a room with white walls. She has black hair and brown oval glasses. she is wearing a yellow and red v neck shirt and holding the AMA sign in her right hand.Trisha Chakrabarty, PhD

Psychiatrist, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
I’m an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at University of British Columbia. My research and clinical interests are in cognitive functioning, virtual reality cognitive retraining, bipolar disorder, and psychotherapy approaches for mood disorders.

Victoria is standing in a room with white walls and a window covered by orange curatins. She has curly, shoulder length brown hair and is wearing round brown glasses and a long sleeve pink shirt. In her hands she is holding the AMA sign.

Victoria Maxwell

Mental Health Educator, Performing Artist, Lived Experience / / @victoria_BPP
I’m an award-winning keynote speaker and performing artist who lives well with BD. By telling my story of mental illness and recovery, I’ve worked to create lasting changes in individuals and organizations. You read my mental health blogs here.

We’ll continue to announce new AMA panelists leading up to the AMA! Check back for more!


Previous AMA Events

The banner for last year's event, which says 'AMA' in large orange letters against a dark purple, space-themed background.

We had an incredible response to last year’s AMA! The thread saw hundreds of questions asked about bipolar disorder. We’ve taken some of the highlights from the day and published then in a blog post here.

The banner for last year's event, featuring Erin and Steven.

Erin and Steven hosted our first bipolar AMA on March 29th, 2019. Like with last year, we published some of the highlights in a blog post here. We also hosted live Twitter Q&As on all things bipolar on Bell Let’s Talk Day 2019 and 2020 – you can read those questions and answers here.

World Bipolar Day
World Bipolar Day - a picture of Vincent Van Gough and others around the world.

The vision of World Bipolar Day is to bring world awareness to bipolar disorders and to end social stigma. It’s celebrated every year on March 30th, the birthday of Vincent Van Gogh. World Bipolar Day is an initiative of the International Bipolar Foundation (IBPF), the Asian Network of Bipolar Disorder (ANBD) and the International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD).
Check out the events for World Bipolar Day 2022 at!